Jayanta Kumar Ray, “ Some Investigations on Instrumentation and Sensing Techniques in Monitoring and Control of Process parameters”, Dissertation submitted and accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Applied Physics) in the University of Calcutta , 2004, TP - 384B. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS IN JOURNALS: (International)
1. Joyanta Kumar Roy & Pijus Basak, “Investigating Water Hammer Problem in Piped Water Distribution System” IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP) e-ISSN: 2278-4861.Volume 6, Issue 2 Ver. II (Mar-Apr. 2014), PP 51-58
2. Joydeep Roy & Joyanta Kumar Roy, ”Design of Smart Universal Remote using Mobile for Home Automation” IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN: 2278-0061,p-ISSN: 2278-8722, Volume 16, Issue 5, Ver. VIII (Sep-Oct,2014) PP73-80
3. Joyanta Kumar Roy & Joydeep Roy, “Development of Low Cost Microcontroller based Pulse Electro-magnetic Pulse Therapy System for Pain relief and Bone Healing”, IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE), e-ISSN:2278-1676, P-ISSN: 2320-3331, Volume 9, Issue 5, Ver.IV (Sep-Oct.2014), PP 54-60.
4. Joyanta Kumar Roy and Bansari Deb Majumder, “ Elimination of Cross Sensitivity in Admittance Type Level Measurement using Fuzzy based Lineariser”, International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, ISSN: 1178-5608, Volume 7, No. 4, December 2014, PP 2035-2048.
5. Joyanta Kumar Roy, Bansari Deb, Dip Chakraborty, Satyajit Mahanta and Nairit Banik, “The Wearable Electronic Rescue System for Home Alone Elderly- Labview & Arduino Evaluation”, IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE) e-ISSN: 2278-2834,p- ISSN: 2278-8735.Volume 8, Issue 6 (Nov. - Dec. 2013), PP 50-55
6. S. C. Bera, J. K. Roy and S. Chattopadhyay: "A low cost non-contact capacitance type level transducer for a conducting liquid", IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol55, No.3, June 2006, pp: 778-786
7. S. C. Bera, B. Chakraborty, J. K. Ray, “A mathematical model for analysis of ECG waves in a normal subject", J. of the International Meas. Confederation IMEKO, U.K, vol.38, page 53-60, 2005
8. S. C. Bera, J. K. Roy and S. Chattopadhyay, “ A modified inductive pick-up type technique of measurement in a vortex flow meter” –J. of the International Meas. Confederation IMEKO, U.K, vol.35, page 19-24, 2004.
9. S. C. Bera, S. Chattopadhyay, J. K. Roy, A. Naskar and M. Mondal, “ A novel measurement technique for a grounded passive transducer” J. of the International Meas. Confederation IMEKO, U. K.
10. Rabindra Nath Sen, Manas Ranjan Kar, Joyanta Kumar Roy & Aninda Kumar. “Individual Differences in adapting to Shift Work.”, J. Human Ergol.(Japan), Vol.11, Suppl.: 57, 1984.
1. S. C. Bera and J. K. Roy, “Study of an Admittance type Single Electrode Transducer for Continuous Monitoring of Liquid Level in a Metallic Storage tank” – J. of Instn. of Engineers ( I ) , vol. 83, pt.2, pp 56-60, January , 2003.
2. S. C. Bera and J. K. Roy “An approach to design and fabrication of a microprocessor based flow meter using resistance and semiconductor probe” – Technical Review, J. of Instn. of Electronics and Telecom. Engs. (I) Vol 18, No.5, pp 355 -360, September – October 2001.
3. S. C. Bera, S. Chattopadhyay and J. K. Roy “ A modified approach to the measurement of capacitance of a capacitive transducer by an a. c. bridge network,” – J. of Instn. of Engs. (I), Electrical Engineering Division, Vol 82, pt. 4, pp-250-252 March’2002.
4. S. C. Bera, J. K. Roy and S. Chattopadhyay “ A Novel Technique of Boiler drum Level Measurement using Non contract Capacitive Sensor” – J. of Instn. of Engs. after correction according to referees’ comments, Jan. 2003.
5. J. K. Roy, K. Naskar and S. C. Bera “ A low cost microprocessor based liquid level transmitter using inductive pick-up,” – J. of Engs. ( I ), Vol. 80, pp. 17-22, 1999.
6. S.C. Bera, B. Chackraborty, J. Roy and S. Chattopadhyay, “ A modified bridge network for accurate measurement of the parameters of a grounded passive transducer” , Journal of Instrument Society of India, Vol.35, No.1, March 2005, pp134-141
7. Joyanta Kumar Roy, “Reaction Time measurement using digital technique Reaction Time measurement using digital technique” Invention Intelligence, Vol.14,No.7, July 1979.
8. Rabindra Nath Sen and Joyanta Kumar Roy, “Portable Solar Radiometer for field studies in Ergomics”, Ind. J. Physiol & Allied Sci.,(Proceedings of International Symposium on Applied Physiology & Ergonomics, Vol.38, Nos.1 & 2,1984
9. Rabindra Nath Sen, Durgapada Baksi and Joyanta Kumar Roy, “Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Total Elbow Prosthesis”, Ind. J. Physiol & Allied Sci.,(Proceedings of International Symposium on Applied Physiology & Ergonomics), Vol.38, Nos.1&2,1984
1. Roy, Joyanta Kumar, Das Arijita, Dutta Debashree, Sengupta Alivia, Joyita Ghosh & Sumit Paul, “Intelligent Stress-Buster-A labview based real-time embedded system for thought control using brain computer interface”, India Conference (INDICON),2014 Annual IEEE, 11-13Dec, 2014, Pune India, DOI: 10.1109/INDICON.2014.7030374, IEEE Digital Xplore, Pages 1-5.
2. Dr. Joyanta Kumar Roy & Ms. Bansari Deb, “ Investigation of cross sensitivity of single and double electrode of admittance type level measurement”, 2012 Sixth International Conference on Sensing Technology, IEEE Digital Xplore, ISBN:978-1-4577-0167-2/12, pp:234-237
3. Joyanta Kumar Roy, Bansari Deb Majumder, “Cross sensitivity of Ionic Concentration on Admittance type measurement”, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sensing Technology”, Sep2-4, 2014, Liverpool, UK, Published in International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, ISSN: 1178-5608, Volume 7, No. 4, December 2014, PP 41-45.
4. J. K. Roy, Bansari Deb Majumder and Anwesha Biswas, “Computational Study of Some Intelligent Process Controller”, Proceedings of International Conference on Computing, Communication & Manufacturing 2014, Published by ACEEE, ISBN: 978-0-9940194-0-0, Search DL ID: 02.ICCCM.2014.1.46, Publication Year: 2014 , Page(s): 175 – 179
5. Arnab Gupta , Joyanta Kumar Roy , Debabrata Datta , “FRACTIONAL CALCULUS IN SOLVING ENGINEERING PROBLEMS”, Proceedings of International Conference on Computing, Communication & Manufacturing 2014, Published by ACEEE, ISBN: 978-0-9940194-0-0 Search DL ID: 02.ICCCM.2014.1.45, Page(s): 40 – 47
6. J. K. Roy , Pijush Basak , “WATER HAMMER IN PIPED WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: INVESTIGATION IN PRACTICAL SYSTEM AND PROTECTION SCHEME”, Proceedings of International Conference on Computing, Communication & Manufacturing 2014, Published by ACEEE, ISBN: 978-0-9940194-0-0, SearchDL ID: 02.ICCCM.2014.1.50, Publication Year: 2014 , Page(s): 189 – 200
7. Suman Das, Joyanta Kumar Roy & Joydeep Roy, “ Design of Smart Electrical Energy Metering using Hall Device”, Proceedings of International Conference on Computing, Communication & Manufacturing 2014, Published by ACEEE, ISBN: 978-0-9940194-0-0, Search DL ID: 02.ICCCM.2014.1.67, Publication Year: 2014 , Page(s): 206 - 213
8. Roy, J.K. ; Gupta, D. ; Goswami, S., “An improved flood warning system using WSN and Artificial Neural Network”, India Conference (INDICON), 2012, Annual IEEE , Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/INDCON.2012.6420720 ,Publication Year: 2012 , Page(s): 770– 774
9. J.K. Roy, P.K.Roy & P. Basak, “Water hammer protection in water supply system-a new approach with implementation” IEEE International Conference on Communication and Industrial Application, at Science Kolkata Dec26-28, 2011 , published in IEEE Digital Explore Feb 2012
10. J.K.Roy, J. Roy & S. Nandi,” Chemical Dosing Calculator for Water Industry” IEEE International Conference on Communication and Industrial Application, at Science Kolkata Dec26-28, 2011 , published in IEEE Digital Explore Feb 2012
11. S.C.Bera, J. K. Roy, S. Chattopadhyay.,”Design of An Analogue Position Control System of A Motorised Valve”, Proceeding of International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, 2007, OC, 8-11 Seoul, Korea, pp: 691-694
12. S. C. Bera, J. K. Roy, S. Chattopadhyay A. Naskar and M. Mondal, “Design of a PC based level control system using a novel non-contract capacitance type trans-ducer”– Proceeding of IEEE Symposium on System on a Chip, pp. 89-96 held at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore from 22-23 November 2002.
13. S. C. Bera, D. N. Kole, M. Mondal, J. K. Roy and B. Chakraborty, “Design of a PC based Linearisation Technique of a Hall Probe Type Level Sensor” Proceedings of IEE (UK), Petitsicon 2005, Kolkata Jan 28-29, 2005
14. S. C. Bera, D. N. Kole, M. Mondal, J. K. Ray and B. Chakraborty, “ Design of a PC based Level indicating Controller using Hall probe sensor”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Intelligent System and Control, Vol.2 , pp692-697, (EISCO-2005)5-7 Jan 2005, Allied Publiser Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
15. S. C. Bera, , J. K. Ray, M. Mondal, D. N. Kole, S. Chattayapadhya and B. Chakraborty, “ Design of an Electronic Valve Positioner of an Electric motor operated Control Valve”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Intelligent System and Control, Vol.2 , pp698-703, (EISCO-2005)5-7 Jan 2005, Allied Publisher Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi
16. S. C. Bera and J. K. Roy “Study of a low noise head mounted temperature Transmitter” – Proceedings of the International Conference on Control Instrumentation and Information Communication, CIIC – 2001, at Science City, Kolkatta, Dec 13-15, 2001, pp. 419-423.
17. S. C. Bera and J. K. Ray “ A PC based position control system of a motorized valve in a process plant” – Proceedings of the International Conference on Control, Instrumentation and Information Communication, CIIC – 2001, at Science City, Kolkata, Dec 13-15, 2001, pp407-411.
18. J. K. Roy, T.K. Mitra and A.K.Sen., “Precision digital thermometer”, Proceeding IIST (Papers proceedings of the International Symposium on Instrumentation), 14-17Jan. Vol.2, 1980.
19. J. K. Roy, S. Chatterjee and A.K.Sen ”Broad Range Linearisation Technique Temperature measurement with Thermistors” , Proceeding IIST (Papers proceedings of the 2 nd . International Symposium on Instrumentation), Vol.6, No. 1-4, 1984.
20. S. C. Bera, J. K. Roy and S. Chattopadhyay, “ Design of an Analogue Position Control System of A Motorised Valve or Actuator.” Technical Review, J. of Instn. of Electronics and Telecom. Engs. ( I ) , Dec ,2002. S. C. Bera & J. K. Ray, “ Design of Miniature Steam Generation Plant with VirtualInstrumentation for study of Process parameters”, Proceedings of International Conference on Communications, Devices and Intelligent Systems (CODIS 2004),PP 198-202, 8-10 Jan. 2004, Jadavpur University.
1. D. Datta and J. K. Roy, “ Application of Soft Computing for Health Risk Analysis due to Ingestion of Contaminant Water”, Proceedings of 47th IWWA Annual Convention Kolkata, 30-31 Jan, 2014, 1 Feb 2015, Kolkata, PP 526-534.
2. Joyanta Kumar Roy, Prasanta Kumar Roy & Suman Das, “ SCADA and Business Intelligence in Water Treatment Plant”, Proceedings of 47th IWWA Annual Convention Kolkata, 30-31 Jan, 2014, 1 Feb 2015, Kolkata, PP 107-115.
3. Joyanta Kumar Roy, Prasanta Kumar Roy , Suman Das & Bansari Deb Majumder, “ Internet of Things in Water distribution and production of potable drinking water”, Proceedings of 47th IWWA Annual Convention Kolkata, 30-31 Jan, 2014, 1 Feb 2015, Kolkata, PP 116-124.
4. Arnab Gupta, Joyanta Kumar Roy and Debabrata Datta, “ A study of water hammer problem in pipe line using Monte carlo based approach” , Proceedings of 47th IWWA Annual Convention Kolkata, 30-31 Jan, 2014, 1 Feb 2015, Kolkata, PP 99-106.
5. Sangita Roy, Prof.Dr. J. K. Roy, ” Application of Information & Communication Technology in e-Health”, Proceedings of All India Seminar on Global e-healthcare-Present Trends, The Institution of Electronics and Tele Communication Engineers, Kolkata, 8th & 9th September 2012, pp-28-30
6. Dr. Joyanta Kumar Roy, “ Next Generation Wireless Sensors and its network”, Proceedings of National Seminar NGC -10 and Annual Convention 2010 of Institute of Engineers, 29th & 30th October at Kolkata organized by Institute of Engineers, Electronics and Telecommunication, West Bengal Chapter., 2010.
7. Dr. Joyanta Kumar Roy, “Role of Information and Communication Technology in the backdrop of Cyclone Aila” ,Proceeding of National Seminar on “ Cyclone and its Aftermath in the backdrop of AILA- Role of Professionals” 26&27th February 2010 at Kolkata jointly organized by IPHE and IWWA, pp: 36-42.
8. Dr. Jayanta Kumar Ray “Recent Application of Distributed SCADA in Monitoring a Water Treatment Plant with its Distribution System”- Proceedings National Seminar on “DCS and SCADA in Power & Process Industries” organized by Dept. of Applied Physics, University of Calcutta, 30.12.2006, page-14-26, 30th December, 2006.
9. S. C. Bera, J. K. Roy “ Study of a precision signal conditioner for piezo resistive pressure sensor using switched capacitor instrumentation amplifier” – All India Inter Science Technology & Engineering College Academic Meet 2002 held at Bengal Engineering College on 6th April, 2002.
10. S. C. Bera, S. Chattopadhyay and J. K. Roy “ Modified a.c. bridge network technique for accurate measurement of a process variable by an electric transducer”, Proceedings of National Seminar on Instrumentation, Measurement and Control – IMAC-2002, 14 – 16 February, 2002, p-9 at the Department of Instrument Technology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
11. S. C. Bera and J. K. Roy “ Design of a microprocessor based liquid level Transmitter" , Proceedings of National Seminar on Instrumentation, Measurement and Control – IMAC-2002, 14 – 16 February 2002, p-12 at the Department of Instrument Technology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
12. S. C. Bera, J. K Roy and S. Chattopadhyay “ Design of a modified low cost vortex flow meter” Proceedings of All India Seminar on Application of Evolutionary Strategies to Power, Signal Processing and Control – AES – 2002, 14–15 February 2002, pp-99-103, at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Regional Engineering College, Rourkela.
13. S. C. Bera, J. K. Roy and S. Chattopadhyay “ A simple design of first alarm Annunciator” Ninth State Science and Technology Congress, 28th February – 2nd March 2002, at Santiniketan, Viswabharti University
14. S. C. Bera, J. K. Roy and S. Chattopadhyay “A Novel Technique of Boiler drum Level Measurement using Non contract Capacitive Sensor” – All India Inter Science Technology & Engineering College Academic Meet 2002 held at Bengal Engineering College on 6 th April, 2002.
15. S. C. Bera, J. K. Roy and S. Chattopadhyay “ Design of safety instrumentation system of an electric motor driven pump” Ninth State Science and Technology Congress, 28 th February – 2 nd. March, 2002, at Santiniketan, Viswabharti University
16. S. C. Bera, J. K. Roy and S. Chattopadhyay “ Design of an Analogue Position Control System of A Motorized Valve of Actuator.” Presented in National Seminar on Instrumentation and Information Technology for Disabled (NSIITD) March 22-23, 2002. Organized by CSIO. IETE, CSIR, CSI, Chandigar, Selected for publication IETE Technical review.
17. S. C. Bera, J. K. Roy, B. Chakraborty and R. Roy, “ Study of frontal plane Spectral amplitude orientation pattern and power spectral distribution pattern of ECG wave in a normal subject” Presented in National Symposium on Instrumentation NSI-27 held at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, from 27-29th November, 2002, accepted for publication in Instrumentation Society of India.
18. S. C. Bera, J. K. Roy and S. Chattopadhyay and B. Chakraborty, “ A modified bridge network for accurate measurement of the parameters a grounded passive transducer” Presented in National Symposium on Instrumentation NSI- 27, held at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, from 27-29th November, 2002.
19. S. C. Bera, J. K. Roy “ Design of an admittance type two electrode transducer ” for drum level measurement “ – Proceedings of National Conference on Sensor Technology, held at Delhi by DRDO from 26-27 September, 2002, pp- 591-601.
20. S. C. Bera and J. K. Roy “Design of a precision pressure monitoring unit using piezo resistive bridge transducer.” – Presented in National Conference on Sensor Technology, held at Delhi by DRDO from 26-27 September, 2002.
21. R. N. Sen and J. K. Roy., “ Portable Skin Impedance meter for field studies on Human Subjects” , Paper proceedings of the International Symposium on Instrumentation, pp. 14-17, jan7, vol.2, 1980.
22. R. N. Sen and J. K. Roy., “Evaluation of Static and Dynamic Muscular Work using Quantified EMG” , Paper proceedings of the 68th. Session of the Indian Science Congress, Varanasi-1981, 1981.
1. Roy, Joyanta Kumar, Das Arijita, Dutta Debashree, Sengupta Alivia, Joyita Ghosh & Sumit Paul, “Intelligent Stress-Buster”-A labview based real-time embedded system for thought control using brain computer interface” , India Conference (INDICON),2014 Annual IEEE, 11-13Dec, 2014, Pune India, DOI: 10.1109/INDICON.2014.7030374, IEEE Digital Xplore, Pages 1-5.
2. Dr. Joyanta Kumar Roy & Ms. Bansari Deb, “ Investigation of cross sensitivity of single and double electrode of admittance type level measurement”, 2012 Sixth International Conference on Sensing Technology, IEEE Digital Xplore, ISBN:978-1-4577-0167-2/12, pp:234-237
3. Roy, J.K. ; Gupta, D. ; Goswami, S. "An improved flood warning system using WSN and Artificial Neural Network” India Conference (INDICON), 2012, Annual IEEE , Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/INDCON.2012.6420720 ,Publication Year: 2012 , Page(s): 770– 774
4. J. K. Roy, P. K. Roy & P. Basak, “Water hammer protection in water supply system: a new approach with practical implementation”, Proceedings of International Conference on Communication & Industrial Application, ICCIA-2011, Dec 26-28, 2011, Science City, Kolkata, Organized by Narula Institute of Technology, Proceedings published in IEEE Xplore in Feb 2012
5. Joyanta Kumar Roy, Joydeep Roy & Sumit Nandy, “ Chemical Dosing calculator for water Industry”, Proceedings of International Conference on Communication & Industrial Application,ICCIA-2011, Dec 26-28, 2011, Science City, Kolkata, Organized by Narula Institute of Technology, Proceedings published in IEEE Xplore in Feb 2012.
6. J. K. Roy, Bansari Deb Majumder and Anwesha Biswas, “Computational Study of Some Intelligent Process Controller”, Proceedings of International Conference on Computing, Communication & Manufacturing 2014, Published by ACEEE, ISBN: 978-0-9940194-0-0, Search DL ID: 02.ICCCM.2014.1.46, Publication Year: 2014 , Page(s): 175 – 179
7. Arnab Gupta , Joyanta Kumar Roy , Debabrata Datta , “FRACTIONAL CALCULUS IN SOLVING ENGINEERING PROBLEMS”, Proceedings of International Conference on Computing, Communication & Manufacturing 2014, Published by ACEEE, ISBN: 978-0-9940194-0-0 Search DL ID: 02.ICCCM.2014.1.45, Page(s): 40 – 47
8. J. K. Roy , Pijush Basak , “WATER HAMMER IN PIPED WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: INVESTIGATION IN PRACTICAL SYSTEM AND PROTECTION SCHEME”, Proceedings of International Conference on Computing, Communication & Manufacturing 2014, Published by ACEEE, ISBN: 978-0-9940194-0-0, SearchDL ID: 02.ICCCM.2014.1.50, Publication Year: 2014 , Page(s): 189 – 200
9. Suman Das, Joyanta Kumar Roy & Joydeep Roy, “ Design of Smart Electrical Energy Metering using Hall Device”, Proceedings of International Conference on Computing, Communication & Manufacturing 2014, Published by ACEEE, ISBN: 978-0-9940194-0-0, Search DL ID: 02.ICCCM.2014.1.67, Publication Year: 2014 , Page(s): 206 - 213